癌撲滅Cancer Walk
in honour of Terry, Marty, Maiko, and Takeshi





2014 Run

About Us

Dave is an expat Canadian who has been in and out of Japan since 1989.  As a Canadian, Terry Fox and his story has had a profound affect on Dave and his family.  Wishing to do more than hope that one day cancer would be eradicated, Dave and the students of DEC decided to hold a Terry Fox Run in Yokaichi (which has now become a part of Higashiomi).  In the year 2000, the Yokaichi Terry Fun Run was born. Although we call it a "Run", 95% of the people walk, and it is definitely a non-competitive event.

From the start, the local Kokusai Koryu has been a tremendous help in the organization of the Run. They have come out in force, through rain and shine, with smiles on their faces. We have been supported by so many people, from so many countries, as well.

The hope was always to both raise money for cancer research and raise awareness about cancer itself. It is something which unfortunately affects EVERY family, regardless of nationality. As we always say, Cancer Knows No Boundaries. One of the great benefits of the event is that each of us has come to know people around us so much better, hearing their stories about their own families.


当初から、地元の東近江市国際交流協会の皆さまにはこのチャリティー・ランに多大な貢献をして頂きました。彼らは、晴れても雨でも常に笑顔を絶やさず、力強く支援してくれました。多くの国からもたくさんの人に支えられてきました。 がん研究のための資金を集めることと、


E-Mail:  gan@decc.ca

Our Team!

Nothing happens unless you are blessed with lots of  hands and volunteers.
If you have any questions or concerns, ask anything of any of us.


Dave & Akiko
Dave & Akiko
Takayuki & Tomoko
Takayuki & Tomoko

Mission Statement 

We pledge that 100% of the money collected either through participation or donations goes to cancer research in the Kansai area.  We do not use any funds for promotion, volunteers, refreshments and so on.  All 癌撲滅 Cancer Walk expenses are taken care of by DEC (Daimatsu English Centre).

寄付金はすべて100%関西地域のがん研究に使われることを誓います。 プロモーション、ボランティア、軽食などに資金を使用することは一切ありません。 がん撲滅ウォークの費用はすべてDEC(ダイマツイングリッシュセンター)が負担します。