癌撲滅Cancer Walk
in honour of Terry, Marty, Maiko, and Takeshi
The 2023 event will be dedicated to longtime friend and tireless advocate for this city, this international friendship committee, and the Gan Bokumetsu Cancer Walk. His name is Takeshi Kokaji, and though he has passed, his memory will long be instilled in our hearts and minds.
2023年のイベントは、長年の友人であり、この都市のたゆまぬ擁護者であるこの国際友好委員会、そしてがん墨滅キャンサーウォークに捧げられます。 彼の名前は小鍜治武士、もう亡くなってしまったが、彼の記憶は私たちの心に長く刻み込まれていくだろう。
Kokaji says...
Don't do today what you can do tomorrow.
You can't be stupid, you can't be smart, you can't be half-hearted.
The opposite of love is not hate. it is indifferent.
Change agent
Whiskey Before Breakfast