Daimatsu English Centre




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Nestled in the city of Higashiomi (formerly Yokaichi, Shiga), DEC has been actively teaching English conversation to the residents of Yokaichi/Higashiomi and it's surrounding areas since 1993.
滋賀県八日市市 に位置するダイマツイングリッシュセンター(DEC) は1993年より八日市と その近郊の方々に英会話の教授を提供してきました。


Set apart from the chain schools (Nova, ECC, Toza), DEC provides an enjoyable and relaxing atmosphere to study English. Emphasis is on personal progress (your pace), with a professional approach to materials, yet with an accent on fun. Materials include video, CDs, DVDs, newspapers, the Internet, along with all of the traditional materials (flash cards, textbooks, etc...). Variety is a key to keeping student enthusiasm high, and this is understood at DEC.
他のチェーンス クールとは異なり、DECは英語を学ぶた めの楽しくリラックスした雰囲気を提供しています。教材にはプロフェッショナルなアプローチを駆使し、しかも楽しめることを大事にしながら各人のペースで の上達をめざします。教材としては従来のフラッシュカードやテキストの他にビデオ・CD・DVD・英字新聞・イ ンターネットなどを使用します。バラエティに富んだ学習が生徒の皆さんの意欲を高く保ち続ける鍵であり、そのことはDECの生徒も理解し ています。

Set apart from the chain schools (Nova, ECC, Toza), DEC provides an enjoyable and relaxing atmosphere to study English. Emphasis is on personal progress (your pace), with a professional approach to materials, yet with an accent on fun. Materials include video, CDs, DVDs, newspapers, the Internet, along with all of the traditional materials (flash cards, textbooks, etc...). Variety is a key to keeping student enthusiasm high, and this is understood at DEC.

Established in 1993


What's the history of the name?

DEC stands for Daimatsu English Centre. Over the years, I have been asked about the name, and the logo. Daimatsu(大 松) means "big pine tree" in Japanese. The Daimatsu name was first used for Daimatsu Shoten, a food business in Yokaichi, Japan. It was an amalgammation of Daiichi (大 市) and Matsuzo(松 蔵). Matsuzo Nishibori opened his owned food shop, in approximately 1903. Looking to start his own business, Matsuzo broke away from his employer, Daiichi. Daiichi gave Matsuzo a part of his store name Dai(大). Matsuzo combined Dai+Matsu to form Daimatsu. Over the years, Matsuzo’s granddaughter, and her husband, grew the business to include wholesale food distribution and two retail outlets.

88 years after opening Daimatsu Shoten, Matsuzo’s great granddaughter (Akiko) married a Canadian (Dave) and they decided to change the direction of the business towards English instruction and translation. In 1993, they started DEC, Daimatsu English Centre. This name was chosen as a way to maintain a connection with the family business started by the Nishiboris in the early part of the 20th century. In 2oo3, the business was expanded to include a "study abroad" element, as a way for students to practice and enhance their English in Canada. In 2010, the publishing wing of Daimatsu was born... named DEC Publishing.

DEC名 前の由来 DECは ダイマツイングリッシュセンターの頭文字です。DECと いう名前はどこからきたのかよく尋ねられます。ダイマツとは日本語で大きな松という意味で、八日市で海陸物産問屋を営んでいた大松商店に由来します。大松 商店の創始者西堀松蔵が「大市」で働いていたことから「大」の字を頂き、自分の名から「松」を加え、1903年 に「大松商店」を創業したのです。大 松商店はその後松 蔵の孫とその夫により卸 商と小売商二軒に発展しました。

創 業してから88年後に松 蔵のひ孫である彰子がカナダ人のDaveと 結婚し、1993年 に英語教室と翻訳を行うダイマツイングリッシュセンターを設立しました。20世 紀初頭にビジネスをはじめた西堀家の伝統を継承するためこの名前を選びました。 2003年 には生徒の皆さんの英語をさらに上達させるためカナダ留学を始め、また2010年 には電子書籍出版部も発足しました。